Every once in a while someone makes a comment suggesting chiropractic care might not be completely safe. They may claim that chiropractic care to the neck region might have associated risks of stroke. Make no mistake – chiropractic care is actually one of the most natural, safe and least invasive forms of health care available. Doctors of chiropractic are trained extensively to deliver their care in a safe, natural and non-invasive manner. Not only have millions of patients experienced the safety and effectiveness chiropractic care has to offer, numerous studies in existence back this up. One of the most recently published safety related studies evaluated the incidence of strokes in approximately 1.16 million 66 to 99 year old Medicare beneficiaries following visits to medical doctors vs. visits to doctors of chiropractic. Ironically according to researchers, their findings indicated that 7 days after their visits slightly more beneficiaries who visited a medical doctor as compared to a doctor of chiropractic ended up suffering from a stroke.
Author: ChiroPlanet.com
Source: JMPT. February 2015 Volume 38, Issue 2, Pages 93–101.
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